=== The "Human Element" ===
Stimulating, adult discussion at Mariner Central with interesting point-counterpoint on both sides. There's a lot to be said for free speech :- ) -- and we're not talking about nominally free speech, but speech which is free in spirit as well as in the letter of the law. When people are truly tolerant of others' views, you can get some very interesting idea exchange.
As usual, I agree with a lot of what Billy1 says: that's a good way to put it, that's it's "part of the fabric of the game" that the umps have their own personal styles.
At times the umps flex the strike zones and calls for the betterment of the game, such as widening the strike zone when the game is a blowout, and such as allowing a fielder to pull his foot off the bag early to avoid getting spiked. There are many times when the umps flex things, much to the betterment of the game. I think that fans would be shocked at what a ballgame looked like if actually called by a T-101 Terminator. Whoops! That was technically a balk, there, pitcher...
Don't believe that most fans have any idea how much more smoothly a game operates BECAUSE umpires manage the game within the SPIRIT of the rules...
But even more important to me is Taro's objection: the umps favor one player against another, and they do so in a drastic manner, and there is no way in the world that makes the game better. Eric Gregg's shameful umping for Tom Glavine against the Yankees will always be a stain on baseball history.
I've never understood why people inside the game smirk about a rookie hitter getting hosed by an umpire because he talked back. The runner was safe, and the ump changes the call to "out" because he is personally offended at the human being on the bases, and baseball applauds. I hate it too, bro'. It's cheating as far as I'm concerned.
=== Silva On Short Leash ===
This one is unbelievable. You are talking about a guy who has THREE years left on a four-year deal. And the Mariners have already eaten Batista's contract.
Sure, I understand that the new broom sweeps clean. But! Being willing to flush (basically) your highest-paid player with 3/4 of his contract left? What is the word past "impressed"?
Look, kiddies. When the ballplayers become aware that the good players will play, and that the bad ones won't, they shut their mouths so fast you can hear their teeth click. The Oakland A's have a whale of a lot less backbiting than the Mariners have had, and that's because they don't have entitled Carlos Silva's deflecting criticism by throwing teammates under the bus.
Silva tried it, game one this year. Yeah, Carlos, it was weird that we called for two changeups there. But not nearly as weird as the fact that you did not shake them off. What's up with that?
And it would have been SOOOOOO easy to look at Jakubauskas first, because SUPERFICIALLY he's had questionable results. The Mariners pole-vaulted right over that one and said, "Um. Carlos Silva is throwing terrible pitches. That's not okay here."
Public Service Announcement: the Seattle Mariners are, right now, in the process of installing the Oakland A's clubhouse culture. There is no QUESTION about it.
::sniff:: hand me a tissue, Lonnie...
Dazed and confused,
Dr D
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