I would prefer my "brand" be tied well into the community conversation here, so mosh away and take your own look at the stuff I report. It would cramp my elbow room if I had something behind my pay wall in the future and you copied it verbatim...but teaser steals like you do with BJOL would be fine after that pay wall gets established with your personal take on the stuff I said.
As to your points:
1) You'd be like a kid in a candy store your first day in a front office (I was!)...and then you'd go "all these great ideas and most of them get ignored!" The game is both fascinatingly advanced and amazingly backward when it comes to analytics. LOL
2) You can feel free to discuss the concept of the supermargin...I've been blasting away at that theory for 8 years and it isn't gaining traction...maybe you can push it forward. :) No seriously, big league clubs operate as though they do not calculate wins linearly (stars and scrubs baby...spend more for the 5 win guy than the linear model suggests you should...because the 5 win guy is proba;bly actually worth 5 linear wins and another 1 or 1.5 supermarginal wins)...so they already subliminally grokked my idea before I got there...I could walk through a basic thought experiment to explain why the supermargin is a real thing that matters in your evaluation of players if you're interested...)
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