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misterjonez's picture

This is an amazing signing on a few levels, when kept in perspective for what it is (a BOR stopgap with essentially zero commitment in terms of money or PT, whose upside is a legit #3).
I don't think the team is in a position to pick guys up on contracts like this unless they already made their big splash of the pot early. Some teams have the credibility to do this every year, but the M's aren't one of them. Great signing which I view as entirely dependent on Cano's early signing.
How much money did we just save compared to Jimenez, Garza, etc..? We're buying a lower % lotto ticket with Baker, but I'll be darned if his numbers from 2007-2011 don't look exactly like Garza's to my untrained eye. In my mind, a large percentage of those savings come off the Cano contract.

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