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GLS's picture

While I suspect the article paints an inflated picture of dysfunction, much of it rings true. The micromanaging by Lincoln and Armstrong is scary.
Jeff, with your F-500 comps, I wonder a bit if you're giving Jack Z. too much credit. It seems like you're saying that since you saw this or that comparable situation happen at Boeing or Nintendo or Weyerhauser, that it's okay and that the people that lost their jobs just need to suck it up and be tougher. But, maybe I'm misreading you. On the other hand, I'm sure in some situations they do need to suck it up. Stories get exaggerated in the retelling and disgruntled employees have their own slanted view of the circumstances that led to their being let go.
But, you know, there was also that comment by Divish in his chat the other day, the one that said something like "many, many, many people in the game" had told him that Jack Z. was in over his head as GM of the Mariners. Personally, I'm curious what evidence exists that Jack Z. is an effective leader and manager of people and I'm curious what evidence is out there that he has any understanding of how to put a roster together. So far, I haven't seen it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Robinson Cano is good. I give Zduriencik some credit for the talent that's come into the organization, but most of that falls on McNamara. I say we keep McNamara.

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