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That I'm assuming too much about Zduriencik.  I don't work for him and have never met him.
2) Sometimes, the loss of a job is justified, and sometimes it isn't.  We have little information on these people and why they lost their jobs.
3) If Geoff's article is the best shot that can be taken at Zduriencik, well, that article could have been written about pretty much any senior manager I ever worked for.  That's all I'm getting at.  The article, in itself, certainly doesn't demonstrate, to me, that Zduriencik is incompetent.
Geoff's article does powerfully confirm that the top-down regime is chaotic, "an exercise in herding cats" as they say.  I've consistently pointed at LincStrong on that.
4) My overall read of Zduriencik, taking into account every little anecdote I've ever read about him, everything I've heard him say live, everything I've heard back channel ... and dovetailing them against the real-world situations I've seen ... is as above.    I absolutely, positively could be way off the mark.
I know that a lot of people don't LIKE him.  And I know that a lot of people don't like OLD-SCHOOL baseball managers.  It doesn't look to me like anybody has proven that he's stupid.  Usually their proof has been, "He didn't follow the USSM plan, so he's stupid."  I know for a fact that that logic doesn't hold up.

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