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It sounds to me like Blengino is the guy who led us through the deadball feeb years with Casey Kotchman and the gang!  His confession is on the front page of the Seattle Times.  He sounded like he doesn't approve of RBI's or the type of ballplayers that produce them.  Mr. Blengino doesn't seem to show any remorse for masterminding a few of the worst offenses of all time.
Regarding the article, nothing seems that surprising except Howard and Chuck's instructions to win ball games and try harder.  This does not work for athletes.  Athletes do not control whether they win or lose.  They only control how well they play, their tenacity, execution, focus, hustle and the like.  But, no amount of trying hard can make up for a serious baseball deficiency; Brendan Ryan tried very hard to hit well.  So did the 2010 Mariners.
About Wedge, does it seem unreasonable that he expected Z to stick up for him and the coaching staff to Lincoln and Armstrong?  It seems like meddlesome ownership is part of the baseball package and is common to many baseball teams.  Arte Moreno and Nolan Ryan have been known to overrule their GMs on baseball decisions from time to time.
It is important to note that everyone has serious personality flaws and other deficiencies.  These deficiencies become more apparent the more authority and responsibility a person has.  It is not surprising to hear that Z isn't good at everything.  He is a super scout, not a leader of men.  Thats okay.  That is what managers are for.  

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