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Not only does office friction happen, G, it SHOULD happen!
Any office that runs frictionless FULLTIME, is not running very hard, very long.
The point is to find the right high-quality motor oil to reduce the friction. Sometimes its a staff party, sometimes it's a retreat, sometimes it's a heated argument.....but when the friction occurs, the critical question is how you get past it. Sometimes heads gotta roll. Such happened here.
Any organization with no friction simply indicates one filled with "yes men" (and women).
Here's the question of the moment about Z, now: We've stumbled, bumbled, out-smarted everybody, played our cards just right (take your pick) to make the best LT bodacious signing over the last several seasons (considering the health and age issues related to Hamilton and Pujols), can he parlay that into a 5 year winning formula?
Were Z receiving very public "votes of confidence" from upstairs, then I would worry. But right now, I think he should be able to see that he has 5 years of a ripping Cano. He can't buy next year's pennant paid for with his young talent. It doesn't happen that way. What he can do is put the organization in the best place to win one (or two) over the next 4-5 years, while Cano is still Cano and Felix is still Felix.
That's what I want to see out of him.....

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