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You're describing SABR-Lock, Matt: The inability to believe that any analysis other than the one (currently) SABR-generated isn't a result of ignorance.
Math is, of course, a less than subjective endeavor. SABR is, largely, an effort to quantify all of baseball into a series of mathematical solutions (oWAR, dWAR, UZR, etc). Add up all the formulas, pre-season, and you get the winner. But fantasy baseball isn't real baseball and it sounds like you're describing Blengino as a guy who couldn't escape SABR-lockup, therefor anything outside that bubble must be a result of ignorance. When Z agreed, it was because modern baseball analysis was as simple as the Pythagorean theorem, and as undeniable. When Z disagreed, it sounds like Blengino saw it/sees it now as ignorant response to the truth of the numbers.
But even a guy named SABR-Matt knows that there is some subjective nature to baseball analysis. Perhaps Blengino was locked into the numbers, and unable to see beyond them.
The funny thing is that Z's strength has been in drafting talent.....before you can really SABR-tize the kids. He hasn't been very successful in trading for/signing guys. Raul and Branyan were successful, and Raul's ultimate success is arguable. Beyond that, you give him Guti, which is a limited success.
Maybe the real Z is an old-time baseball guy, but one who got hired in a flurry of SABR-info.
But he really hasn't been successful operating in either format. Exploring "market inefficiencies" didn't work for him. And last year he built the most inflexible roster in the game. Only the collapsing bats of Ackley and Ryan and Smoak forced his hand to make it more flexible.
I think it is clear that Z is best at drafting young talent. I hope he now trusts that skill set and doesn't prematurely rid himself of the players his best skill allowed him to acquire.

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