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You just can't underestimate leadership.
I have had the fortunate opportunity to work for a tremendous leader (coincidentally a Naval academy grad) twice, separated by three years. The first stint, she was my boss and I was her front-line project manager. I was already pretty good before I worked for her but under her leadership, I became a really, really good project manager. And it wasn't because she herself taught me anything about project management, per se. She just has this command presence to her that has a way of bringing out the best in people. She side-lined her own career for a while to have a couple of children and my career advanced into management. I KNOW that I've been a better manager because of the example she set for me. Now, I'm back to working for her again. This time, I've got a department of project managers under me and while my job hasn't changed a bit from the previous manager - same basic set of responsibilities - I am once again performing at a higher level.
It's a strange thing to experience. I'm a very self-motivated individual and I've had professional success without her. I like to think that I have pretty good skills in my own right. But under her, I'm just better.
Baseball is different, of course. The players aren't working for Ibanez. But I would not question the value of leadership. It's an intangible thing but anyone that has experienced it, knows the value.

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