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Nathan H's picture

The authority of a court making a decision on what government should and should not be able to do is flawed, isn't it? The court isn't enforcing what's right, it's enforcing what's lawful. There's a difference there. Who's making the laws?
'Without law men would revert to the powerful consuming the weaker' and 'Government is necessary to keep people from acting like cavemen.'
I think I disagree here. Most people are generally good. I have yet to see someone knock people out of the way in order to get on a bus first just because he could. I don't need an authority to tell me to call my mother because she's lonely. People generally have the dignity of values built in to their being.
Re: the guy who didn't pay his taxes - just crafting an argument here - by what right is the government able to demand taxes? He could argue that he never agreed to pay for or reap the benefits of those taxes. The tax is forced. He went to jail. He was put in a cage because he refused to uphold a contract that he never agreed to in the first place. If he resisted the cage he would have eventually been killed. Government is force. Does this man not have a valid argument?
Just because there is currently nothing better doesn't mean we can't create something better, right?. Has a voluntary free-market society been attempted? One based on agreed upon contracts? Genuine question.
So I reject the argument that 'If you don't like the way it is here you are free to leave'. I don't want to leave. I want things to work better. Don't we all?

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