That came from Mormon scriptures. Free will, refered to as agency in many different scriptures, is a big belief among them and the initial debate that started therebellion described as being that not in the Bible but the book of Mormon and D &C. Been so long since i read much of either that i misremembered.
In books that were removed from the old testament, like Enoch, the final debate was in Lucifers refusal to worship Adam because his creation was newer. Actually just found a lengthy and thorough account of "the plan and implementation" as I'd describe it. It is somewhat pieced from many different scriptures that were removed in Canon and otherwise. Researching was the main reason for a delayed response. If you're interested in these other scriptures, here's a link to it:
Fall of Lucifer
I was surprised to find that many of them pieced together to tell any biblical story because finding any other than Enoch and Dead Sea scrolls were difficult last time I looked. That reasoning generally lines up with the more vague "vanity" claims in other scriptures but is also basically the exact account in the Qur'an.
I did spend about 12 hours one night translating the most confusing commandment in my estimation from PaleoHebrew to English. "Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain" should read something more like "thou shalt not pretend to be for God if you are not" or "thou shalt not pretend to speak for God if you do not" though there were close to 20 possible translations that mostly ran in those veins. None of which equate saying God or Jesus in any context as being swearing which is the most common interpretation I'd heard at that point. Been awhile since i had a discussion about religion that didn't soon seem like it was best to change the subject though. Actually that's mostly with christianity, but I'd been more interested in learning more about others for quite awhile now.
Christians are probably just like any other group where there are some that can rub you the wrong way and those can be easier to recall. I don't have any problems with Christians in general, maybe it's just the few that do push agendas politically that have brought my view to the point of wondering about all the more vocal believers.
Sorry if I went a little far afield on religious talk, been awhile since I've had good conversation about Christianity.
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