Friendliness, a hospitable environment for diverse posters, has been a goal, but I wonder whether your "Openness" ideal trumps that. Openness seems to capture the idea of freedom.
Not that we're going to be selling stock in our "Brand" :- ) but it's an interesting intellectual exercise. Every blog would do well to be AWARE OF its 3-word brand essence.
"Discussion" is a very fundamental area too -- Dr. D has always been into *idea exchange* and Klat's entire social-media mission is about using technology to promote frictionless and innovative social interaction, especially across websites.
As to "Intelligent" ... hm. That touches on the goal too ... "adult" is sort of the way I thought about it but "adult" doesn't capture it either; neither does "mature" capture the goal. Respectful? That doesn't capture the goal of being fresh and stimulating to a literate audience ... is there a word that anybody has here? Maybe "thoughtful" actually is the goal. Never thought (heh) of it that way.
Freedom, idea exchange, respect, those ideals are pretty close to what we've been aiming for. Without posters who appreciate those goals, we'd lose the most important one - idea EXCHANGE.
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