I actually look at this as the exact opposite. Profar and Olt are two of the best and lowest risk position prospects in baseball right now, and Martin Perez will probably rank in the Top 50. Michael Young's $16 million comes off the books after 2013. Same for Nelson Cruz's $10.5 million and Nathan's $7 million. They're already opening up about $35M this offseason if they don't resign Hamilton ($13.75M), Dempster (~$4.5M), Napoli ($9.4M), and Feldman ($6.5M).
They'll still be stuck with a number of underperforming veteran salaries in 2013 and I don't see them being able to replace Hamilton this offseason. 2013 is the one transitional year where there's a great chance to take them down. I'd be very worried what this team will look like in 2014, they're going to have a lot of resources in both rookies and finances.
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