...read carefully here auto5...in my original comment, I stated very clearly that I am, if anything, to the RIGHT of the mainstream GOP when it comes to personal liberty...and Doc himself is generally conservative in the broad spectrum of life, especially when it comes to the culture war. It might give you a tad bit of pause to recognize that this particular line of concern was not spawned by a left-wing political machine with the goal of immasculating men.
The funny thing is...I agree with your general message. I'm opposed to gun control, opposed to the liberal line of reasoning that they should be allowed to make laws banning dangerous activities because the rest of the country has to pay for the resulting injuries, and opposed to making any sort of law banning American football. My wish, in this situation, is that parents be given the facts about the brutality of modern football before giving their kids the greenlight to join peewee leagues and that high school football programs be required to show their players the footage/statistics/medical facts regarding football injuries and lifelong consequences. You won't stop football...but you will force the sport to adapt over time as young talents choose less hazardous sports...just because I'm for personality responsibility and unfettered liberty doesn't mean I don't see a role for government in providing information about risk, and just because I think some action needs to be taken doesn't mean I think football should be torn down.
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