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You know, we blogosphere fans whine a lot about the sad state of the club but we some time ought to just sit back and revel in what we have been able to witness with Felix. We first started hearing about him when he was what - 16 years old? The wonderkind King with the "royal curveball". We've seen him debut in spectacular fashion. We saw the league adjust. And saw him adjust back. And he just keeps adjusting and getting better. He's funny. He's loyal. And he wants the darn ball.
Chances are, we are going to be talking about this 20 years from now. The King Felix era.
Now get him the offense, get him into the playoffs and ride him to a championship, dang it. I really don't want this story to end with Felix getting his ring in a different uniform or - worse - being one of those Mariner greats in the "best that never won a ring" club with Jr and Edgar.

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