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benihana's picture

So was Kotchman (Bill Hall (who was a trade too))
Jack Wilson was a trade, resigned of our own accord. 
Many of Jack's minor league deals panned out well too - Sweeney, Kennedy, the 'pile' of bullpen arms, etc.
With the exception of Figgins, every move on the FA list seems to be low-risk low-reward.  It seems that Z has cleared the flotsam and jetsam of the Bavasi regime without locking up positions where prospects can prosper.  He's limited the total outlay in both dollars and years to reasonable amounts (if $9 million per is your worst deal, that ain't bad in the scheme of things).
Seems a lot like he's been doing what Sandy's been saying, and also what Geoff Baker's been saying lately - this team is well positioned to maintain maximum flexibility moving forward.  
- Ben.

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