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Matt sez,
I would also adjust the BABIP section so that it did not just account for HRs but speed score as well.  It is known that speedy guys hit for a high adjusted BABIP for obvious reasons.
Good call.  I sort of wonder why James didn't do that.  Would like to hear his reply.
My guess is that he'd say he only wanted a small adjustment "capturing" the ability to hit the ball harder, but I dunno...  you'd think if you were using Adjusted Ball In Play or whatever for a variety of applications, you'd want to do exactly as you said.
Also, there's little doubt that making the age factor position-specific would improve it.  Zero chance that he didn't consider that, being probably the original guy to point out that Catchers' hitting arcs are right-shifted.  I wonder if he'd just plead Zen on that.

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