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OBP_Train's picture

"Would like to see a few examples of hitters you nabbed early, with the SLGBBSB x-ray glasses.  Good stuff."
A potential top 5 SS in 3-4 seasons off everyones radar. Michael Richard of Oakland.
Has ZERO HR potential but HAS potential for 100+ SB in a season.
Because he has ZERO HR potential his OPS is pathetic and Oakland grabbed him in the 2007 11th round. But look at his college numbers their outright scary. .527 SLG but with only 2 HR in 200 ab's. So how is he getting extra bases? Simple he's running around the diamond so quickly that it translates into extra bases. His last year in college also represented a SLGBBSB of over 1.0 which mean's he worth over a base per AB.
Logan Forsythe. Ok had my eye on logan in my fantasy league before baseball america took notice. Great college numbers and great minor league numbers. Petco won't matter since his numbers don't point to power but he does have 40-50SB potential. Also the traditional OBP is .430. So you basically have a Youkillis/Olerud mold but with more speed. 
What's nice about these 2 players is ballpark won't impact their slging since their footspeed becomes a significant contributer to the overall number of bases value.
Also in the Stratonerds league grabbed some traditional mlb players at pretty low with these metrics notably Derek Jeter before the season started, Scott Hariston last year, Jack Cust 2 years, Carlos Quentin before his value sored but I think going with pure slging examples is a bit too easy. So let me throw some slging types who will end up sooner or later via FA or on waiver wire Jack Cust, Ryan Shealy, Dallas Mcpherson(throw 50 million at him for 5 seasons NOW), Chris Shelton(what is he doing in AAA?!). 
It's kinda amazing really because their is like a whole generation of hitters in AAA who don't even get a fair amount of AB's in major league because some other player has raw tools but only gets on base 30% of the time. Somehow I think players with 40+% OBP should get more notice especially if they SLGBBSB is over 0.7 since that's close to 3/4 of a base per AB.

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