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Weird that I can post here but not in some other threads.  Guess I should log in occasionally.  Elsewhere (that I just found) Matt said:

On Robles, I'm down on him because his line is like the joke from Bull Durham...5 innings, 5 runs, 5 hits, 5 walks, 5 Ks and 5 hit batsmen.  He came to Seattle looking all impressive in Detroit's system and promptly self-destructed in Seattle.  I just...get a bad vibe with him.  Ability is there (hence the high potential grade)...I doubt the polish.

How is 46 innings of 9K/4.5BB work with a .197 BAA and a .276 BABIP, and one HR in the Cal League "self-destructing"?
The Mariners traded for him after his last start on 7/27, then had him pitch 1 inning of relief work for no apparent reason on 8/2, which caused a start 3 days later that he imploded in and only went 1/3 of an inning.  His next start was rough in some ways (6 BB/3K) but he gutted it out through 5 innings and gave up just 1 run.  And then reeled off a month worth of starts that reads: 26 IP, 16 hits, 4 ER, 30K/10BB,  
He was out of whack for 2 starts after the trade. He's cool as a cucumber (at least judging by the radio calls for all of his starts) even when the guys behind him are making a parade of errors.  I dunno man - looks like next year in AA will help clear up the descrepancies between what you see and what I do. ;)

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