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If the Mariners decide to pay for Bedard's rehab and sign him to an incentive laden 1-year deal (I think even Bedard would be OK wiht that), then you've got Felix in arbitration year two (likely to cost around 8 million), Bedard making maybe 3-5 mil base plus incentives for innings pitched, Snell making 3.25 mil and the rest are free (league minimum or close).
If I'm the Mariners I'm spending some of my big dollars on extending King Felix for 5-7 years.  But otherwise, the only roster spots that cost money are Silva (d'oh!), Ichiro (who is still a bargain at 12.8 mil...the rest is deferred), Jack Wilson (8 mil option picked up), and Johjima if we can't force him out of the organization.  Branyan won't cost more than 5-6 mil...he's like Ibanez was at this point in his career...a perennial bargain because he bloomed late and has periodic injury issues.  Snell and Bedard don't cost much.  Neither does Lopez.  Neither does Gutierrez.  The entire bullpen will cost less than 8 million dollars.  Combined.  That leaves room to trade for Adam Dunn or sign someone else (Abreu? Who else is a free agent who can DH?) and play your options at third base (you can take Matt Tui for free and gamble on his being ready or you can look for someone like Joe Crede on the market)

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