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Not a bad idea, Matt.  But, ultimately one that is likely to fail.
I've been pondering the question of maturity recently.  I'm thinking if one wanted to try and describe maturity mathematically it would be a ratio of emotion versus reason.
M = R/E -- where the M is Maturity, R is reason (or I for Intellect might work), and E is emotion.  The more rationally you act and/or the less emotionally you act, the more mature you become.  Spock would have a sky-high M -- Kirk would be about a 1, and McCoy would be point something.  Immaturity is driven by an unwillingness (or inability) to listen to reason.  I believe this is generally emotionally based.  Felix LIKES throwing fastballs.  The rush of throwing the FBs - (and the lack of humility) - overwhelm the good sense of mixing in the curves.  Getting yelled at is an emotional downer, so to avoid getting yelled at, the immature may behave.  But, there are cases where getting yelled at has the opposite effect - where the negative emotions lead to even worse actions.  With Felix, I have a sneaky suspicion that what he needs is a battery mate that feeds the positive emotions, rather than inducing rebellion with negative ones.  "Dude, let's set this guy up with some curves so he'll look like a doofus -- and then we can (what's the current vernacular for "split" these days?) - and play some HALO."  This is part of why I like Johnson with Felix over Joh, even if Johnson doesn't have the experience.

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