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ESPN (Buster Olney, IIRC) recently did an article on Randy Johnson and re-told the story you've told of the 'A-Ha' moment for RJ, when Nolan Ryan and another baseball guy noticed he was landing on his heel.  He starts landing on the ball of his foot and all of a sudden he found control.
In that same article (I can't seem to find it right now), RJ lamented something to the effect of, I wonder why no one knew how to coach me.  To which I thought, there are two reasons.  1)  You have to let yourself be coached, and by all accounts RJ was something of a wild child.  All improvement comes ultimately from within.  and 2)  No one knew exactly what to do with a 7' tall flamethrower, because no one had really ever seen one.
This is kind of the crime with Aumont, IMO.  RJ and Mark Hendrickson and Ryan Anderson and others are out there to take lessons from for pitchers of his stature.  There's no reason for PA to be locking his knee unless he's refusing to do so.  And there's no reason to think he can't be a starter just because of his size or lack of experience.

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