When you say, should fundamentalist Christians be "excluded" from office: Excluded how? Gays aren't legally excluded from office and there's no serious attempt being made to do so.
If your point is, you're not comfortable with a politician who spiritually believes in harsh penalties, my response is, neither am I. And it's been a long, long time since Federal law imposed any such bills of attainder, as it were. Ronald Reagan was very religious. Did he attempt to pass laws jailing gays? No, because 99.998% of Christians know how to wear two hats. Their roles in government are one thing, their worshipful lives another.
Speaking from under the roof of these houses of worship, I can assure you LR, it's very genteel and kind in there. It's nothing like a Black Lives Matter rally.
Honestly, amigo, don't blanche at straw men. There is no serious concern that anybody's going to pass laws for jailing gays. Seen anything like that on the House floor lately? By "lately" I mean, like since the Civil War?
On the other hand, there are many non-Christian people who do give me pause as to what laws they would inch toward. Militant Muslims obviously among them. A Muslim who publicly called us "khafar" would scare me. I would "exclude" him in the American way: I would debate him and not vote for him.