Thanks. Good read on the on the post and nice follow up from the comments section.
I read about Romero, Montero, Zunino, DJ, Alex, Oniel, Taylor naming near half of the "Summit16" and remember being pretty darn excited about all of them. I Really must admit I am not 100% behind each of Jerry's moves as a stand alone offerings but as a whole I am near 100% that the 25 man represents options that should be at least solid. If we could redeem even a few of the 16 over the coming years it would go a long way from transforming / transitioning competitor - contender - champion. A guy like Aoki who will probably be good for 1 or 2 WAR being replaced by a hot plateu leap from Romero, DJ, Oniel, etc could really go a long way towards the latter end of the afore mention sequence.
My .02$