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Love the 551 Scan!

I've never understood any pessimistic, or even less than optimistic, attitude about Taijuan.  Unless the kid blows up his arm he's about as much of a lock as you can bet to be a quality MLB starter.

His smooth, easy movements remind me of the athletic pitchers of my youth.  Oh, he also brings a death-ray of a heater to the mound.  Man, he was 22!  He ran a 1.196 22.   Maddux ran a 1.249!  Gooden, in his 4th MLB season, ran a 1.197.

C'mon, what do folks want?

The kid is good.  He's getting better.  He's ours!

What's not to giggle about.

Ditto Paxton.

Young arms are not likely our problem.

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