Then it should come with an apology to the family of Richard Nixon. But, I suppose the rule of law became passé during the Bill Clinton perjury case, which turned into "lying about sex." That defense was fair enough, the Lewinski affair was a diversion from a real sexual assault case (even though back then you could laugh and sneer at women with big hair). But a home server serving up classified information? For convenience? Aides copying state secrets off classified computers to send them to And of course, the whole thing was designed to continue to fill the Clinton Foundation coffers with quid pro quo. Do I have a smoking gun? Seriously folks, do I really need it? Is the circumstantial evidence and timing when matched up with professional liars not enough to at least say, "I find that a little hard to believe, Mr. Smart."
But one thing we learned through Monicagate is that these folks are liars. There are vast right wing conspiracies. And there are liars who trample on insignificant people - like the families of dead State department and CIA security personnel fighting to save lives while the higher ups lie to them to win elections. Bumpkins with big hair. These folks will lie to prosecutors, the people, the press. Yes, I will grant to you that everyone does it. But only the Clintons have a willing press to cover for them. Because the left and the press all know you can't let the Republicans win.
Anyway, I don't expect the Justice department to do anything but join the press in covering for Mrs. Clinton, She has dirt on Obama and it will keep him in line (It was Obama who insisted on turning Benghazi terror attack into a demonstration gone bad, and when Hillary went along, she sold her integrity for the Presidency). But if the Republicans prosecute this case in the election, and the American people vote her in anyway. Well, Nixon's daughters should receive some sort of apology For the shame and humiliation they were forced to endure.