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I didn't say every leftist on planet Earth makes excuses for radical Islam while punishing all Christians for their radical members.  For example, Bill Maher has been absolutely slicing and dicing the stupidity of the loudest left-leaning voices on Islam for some time now (and I respect his intellectual consistency and honesty despite generally disagreeing with him on the subject of religion 'versus' reason).

I'm aware that there is dissent from the mainstgream lines of thought, but I hang out with a lot of leftists (I belong to conservative writer groups and such, but I also belong to science fiction fan groups, which are overwhelmingly run by radical leftists, for example).  And I also watch what their leading voices say every day.  Obama threw an absolute HISSY FIT when he had to give a speech where he declared the San Bernadino terror attack what it was...Islamic terrorism.  He wanted the speech to be a diatribe against the gun lobby, but his handlers forced him to at least address the issue of terrorism, knowing how the American people were feeling at the time.  John Kerry claimed that the Charlie Hebdo massacre was "understandable" because they insulted the Prophet Muhammed.  The EU is putting people in prison for speaking out against this flood of refugees and their tendency to be associated with huge surges in criminality, especially against women.  The UK is considering banning Donald Trump from the country for saying he wanted to pause Islamic immmigration in the US (a policy I find abhorrant...there's a reason I despise Donald Trump).  The feminist movement, but for a few voices (some who have been showing up at Islamic events buck naked with anti-Islamic sentiments written on their breasts in marker...just saying, I'm aware of the other side here. :) ) is busy making excuses for Islam while applauding efforts to attack and silence the Catholic Church.  Sandra Fluke is a hero to the feminist left because she went to a Catholicf university and sued them to pay for her birth control.  All across Europe, there are movements to force Catholic churches to remove crosses from their schools.  In Italy, they covered classic nude sculptures to avoid offending the supreme leader of Iran...I could go on, but I'd be here all day.

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