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Yes... I did over hype Dipoto here... oh well.

BUT, in his first 6 months, Dipoto has at least created the appearance of a farm system that is not 28th ranked and a laughing stock, and he may have found a way to get marginal players to look like developing prospects. That is no small feat.

I fully agree that all the teams could fall flat on their faces come June, and all of this instant offense is just a mirage... but this quick start has not been the norm for any Seattle farm club... let alone 3 out 4.

Lastly, the story is not over. The other teams and players will regress or grow or even jump plateaus... and that is all I was trying to do here. Call people's attention to the fact that there may be some hope on the horizon in this farm system that has disappointed us all for so long. 

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