Hey, tjm
"Bannon's order is not about security; it's about theatrics."
Let's just call it President Trump's order. He was, after all, the one who ordered it. But then I'm willing to assume that Bannon isn't a master puppeteer and Trump a better-haired Howdy Doody. I'm willing to bet you mostly agree with that, too. Apologies if I am wrong.
But all the same, nobody referred to Obama's policies as belonging to some staffer.
As to "theatrics," my goodness......which president, great or not, doesn't engage regulary in theatrics. It really is part of the job.
President Obama drinking a brew at a table with two "good buddies?" Theatrics.
Reagan chopping wood at his ranch? Theatrics.
Kennedy playing touch football on the beach? Theatrics.
Nixon visits China? Pure and wonderful theatrics.
Sheep on the White House lawn? Wilsonian theatrics.
Carter clasping hands with Sadat and Begin. Historical theatrics.
G.W. Bush speaks amidst the rubble of the World Trade Centers. Powerful theatrics.
FDR was the master of the theatrical image. Eleanor in the coal mines was theatrics.
Blocking the Keystone Pipeline in the name of global warming was theatrics, as completed or not, it will have no impact on global warming. However, I must admit to being frustrated with that bit of theatrical performance.
Heck, it's been argued that the Emancipation Proclamation was part theatrics, as it didn't really free anybody. It left the slaves held in the border states (the one's that recognized Lincoln as their president, remaining in the Union) alone while freeing the slaves in a part of the land that ignored the Proclamation whole-heartedly.
It is a theatrical job, in many ways. As a nation, we routinely demand such from our presidents. It gives us a sense that they are at the wheel and have our backs.
Not all presidential theatrics are bad policy. I thought the Keystone decison was, and you think think an immigration suspension/ban is, but being theatrical doesn't make them bad.
And it is a poor politician who doesn't understand the impact of good theatrics. Trump, a theatrical man by nature, is highly aware of that, I suspect.
He was elected saying he would stop terrorists from entering the country, and this bit of theatrics simply establishes for his voters that he intends to deliver.
But a 90-Day stoppage is pretty insignificant beyond it's theatrical meaning. Wouldn't you agree?
Edit: Felt I needed to come back and add two things.
1. Theatrical politics are sometimes the most powerful variety. Not always, but sometimes. See above.
2. If I have misread your intent when using the term "theatrics," then I apologize early.