BTW Doc, hope your maladies are kept at bay. You have no idea how much we appreciate that you have, virtually speaking, invited us all to your house repeatedly hollered over and over again, "Y'all come back now, y'hear?!" And this despite challenges we know little or nothing about. So consider this a word of encouragement from one who understands and appreciation from one who, uh, APPRECIATES you. You are NOT taken for granted.
Puyallup aside:
Doing my best to center life south from 160th Street, from Meridian (as few times as possible) to Canyon Rd (which is nearer our house). The only trouble is that sector is increasingly becoming just as busy as the one farther north, with tons of new construction in evidence that will only make it worse. But since we are now joined at the hip with our daughter and son-in-law, we may be moving to Phoenix or Texas, or some such place sooner than we thought.
In honor of Puyallup traffic, I bring all SSI party-attendees a link to an appropriate song by James Taylor.