Fantastic Matt. I was hoping you could chip in on the subject.
Honestly, with all the stats overkill in baseball these days, one subject area that is notably absent is the sophisticated comparison of how each team is treated by other teams, by the league, and by umpires. My guess is that a lot of this is VERY proprietary to team stat departments.
But I also surmise that "by umpires" part might be suppressed by the league itself because it might reveal some things they don't want revealed. Of particular interest to me is the relative fairness by umpire and by team of ball and strike calls. As a Mariners fan it wouldn't surprise me in the least if such stats would reveal certain pro- and anti- biases, though I completely understand that every fan base feels this way. That is why studies on the subject would be so fascinating/revealing. Such biases would be beyond the direct control of a team which suffered from them. We know the league has the data to produce such studies. What they don't have for reasons of their own is either the will or the intent to do so.
But a team's overall rate of meatball pitchers dominating them would indeed indicate some sort of fundamental weakness in the organization that is very much under their direct control.